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Map of the “blue zone" parking area

park3Parking is allowed inside the blue lines against payment only on weekdays with the exception of special periods during the year. The area includes the city centre and a wide surrounding area.
> Download the map of the blue zone

Parking fees and documents

  • Standard charge for one hour - € 1,50
  • Reduced charge for one hour - € 1,30
  • One hour central ZTL parking: € 2,50

Users can purchase the vouchers:
• At approved points of sale (newsagents and tobacconists) displaying this sign: gtt park 
< Download the dynamic map to view all the outlets

• From car park personnel.

User instructions

Tickets and season tickets must be displayed on the dashboard after having rubbed away the silver paint covering the relevant year, month, day and arrival time. The user instructions are printed on the back of tickets and season tickets.


Lines and timetables for the urban routes or the suburban routes

Gruppo Torinese Trasporti S.p.A Turati 19/6, 10128 Torino - tel. 011.57.641 e-mail:
R.I. di Torino e Codice Fiscale 08555280018 - P. IVA 08559940013 - Pec:
Info sul sito: Information Technology GTT - Redazione web, via Manin 17, 10153 Torino

Telefonia mobile 0110672000 Numero verde GTT 800019152 - Solo da telefono fisso